On 04.04.2017 16:41, Kyle Evans wrote:
> Upon further review, newer versions of GNU grep(1) drop the explicit
> '00' and add the \33[K dropped in this commit a few lines above the
> mentioned one. In that case, we might as well revert those two lines and
> consider this an improvement. I guess it depends on the overall outlook
> of the tests, though -- should we introduce more tests that fail by
> default as they go in, or adapt similar (not strictly buggy, but not
> ideal) behavior to start with and then improve after we can grant
> bsdgrep(1) replacement status?

It seems new GNU grep takes right course, so I vote to make our thing
like there and not as in its obsoleted version.

\33[K clears from cursor to the rest of the line (with background color,
in case terminal have "ut" termcap capability). Consider how multi-line
pattern will look with it and without.

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