> On 30 Dec 2016, at 07:17, Piotr P. Stefaniak <ps...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> On 2016-12-29 17:17:46, Rodney W. Grimes wrote:
>> -- Start of PGP signed section.
>>> On 2016-12-29 18:09:39, Piotr P. Stefaniak wrote:
>>> >2) the option -ta was added
>>> To clarify, what I mean is that the process that generates the sources
>>> started using the -ta switch of indent(1), not that the feature was
>>> recently implemented.
>> Can you clarify what process these source files are generated by?  If
>> these are not the source files, but are being generated by some other
>> thing then wouldn't we want the true sources and the generation process
>> in the repsitory?
I don't know. As far as I know, this kind of processing was happening right
from the beginning of the integration of SCTP in FreeBSD.

The script which runs is available at:

Please note that this processing is happening for years. I added
the -ta recently, since Piotr suggested it...

The sources are also available at
in the netinet and netinet6 directory.

Please note that the upstream sources are ifdef'ed to allow
* to be compiled in the FreeBSD kernel
* to be compiled as a network kernel extension for Mac OS X
* to be compiled as a loadable module for Windows (this worked in the
  past and the maintainer stopped)
* to be compiled in a user land stack (with some glue code) being
  used in Firefox and Chrome browsers.

Except for the -ta change, nothing has changed on my side, just ident
was evolving and I wanted to keep the changes related to this isolated
in a commit. That way I know that there is no upstream change in the
source code.

Best regards
> I think that Michael would be the best person to answer that; I'm merely
> the one who fixes and breaks indent(1).
>> If this is running indent(1) over source files to clean them up,
>> then that is not "generating" sources per say, but instead cleaning
>> them up with indent(1).
> That's what I mean. Sorry for the confusion.

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