On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 09:06:51PM +0200, Roman Divacky wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 02:54:36PM -0400, David Schultz wrote:
> > Also, before this change, ncal was already full of convoluted
> > buffer handling, arbitrary buffer sizes, and little to no bounds
> > checking. This commit adds more magic numbers and fragile buffer
> > handling code, and generally makes an already hairy program even
> > less scrutable. This isn't your fault, but it would be nice if we
> > could make ncal better before it gets much worse. For instance,
> > you might use snprintf() or asprintf() instead of an extra half
> > dozen calls to memcpy() with various offsets.
> yes, thats true. do you want me to revert this? I am perfectly fine
> with having locally modified cal that supports this highlighting
> and not share this with world at all.

As a matter of fact, it might be good idea.  Since the code is already
in repo, it can be revised later and committed again in its refined

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