David O'Brien schrieb:
On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 04:55:04PM +0000, Robert Watson wrote:
On Mon, 19 Jan 2009, David O'Brien wrote:
For changes like this to be reasoned because of building FreeBSD on Windows there should consensus. For MacOS X - there is a case sensitive FS.
So I have to reformat my Mac OS X file systems in order to check out FreeBSD source trees on them because the jot(1) regression test relies on having two files in the same directory that differ only in case? :-) No

Does it really prevent one from checking out the sources - the file name
collision should just cause a file to be overwritten.  This case should
only be an issue if you're trying to run the tests.

Of course SVN complains when it would create a file, which already exists. SVN is a VCS after all. If it would inadvertently plain overwrite existing data it would completely miss one core aspect of a VCS: preserving information.
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