On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 04:55:04PM +0000, Robert Watson wrote:
> On Mon, 19 Jan 2009, David O'Brien wrote:
>> For changes like this to be reasoned because of building FreeBSD on 
>> Windows there should consensus.  For MacOS X - there is a case sensitive 
>> FS.
> So I have to reformat my Mac OS X file systems in order to check out 
> FreeBSD source trees on them because the jot(1) regression test relies on 
> having two files in the same directory that differ only in case? :-)  No 

Does it really prevent one from checking out the sources - the file name
collision should just cause a file to be overwritten.  This case should
only be an issue if you're trying to run the tests.

> one is saying you should be able to check out FreeBSD source trees using 
> 8.3 DOS filenames, but I think avoiding case collisions makes a lot of 
> sense.

Its built-in to our UNIX fiber - some source bases have both .c and .C
files for instance.

-- David  (obr...@freebsd.org)
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