"This is more ot less what OSSIC Corp tried to do with Ossic X. They raised nearly $3M on Kickstarter but managed to burn through most of it without delivering more than a few dozen prototypes and, they claimed, a few hundred early production examples. They had four loudspeakers in each side of the headphones and fancy software to control them.I don't believe it was a fraudulent project but definitely bad project management. Goal creep became outrageous. They were finally declared bankrupt about a year ago."

- - - -

Ossic-x went already bankrupt in 2018.

After tens of thousands of pre-orders, 3D audio headphones startup Ossic disappears | TechCrunch[1]

They probably waited for some high-profile buyout, which never materialized.  And so...   ;-)



[1] https://techcrunch.com/2018/05/20/after-tens-of-thousands-of-pre-orders-high-end-3d-headphones-startup-ossic-disappears/?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAACZ9kQuEDKfM8UfVIjHd1RXoyXlbjQfcEvNvqi7d0FpdPkBgj5mE2l0OOk5x2kqBoKdt5i37ruaFDePD48gTHsj5lLabiSUh_qPWNL-x226h-BLNT1iW_iTFpRMJIHMIRx1vQkNoYRaGFrY0Cl3vZgCh8FP_5VLSE5BgQCzCg5Ii
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