dear sampo

a few years ago i tried to solve these problems by building an eight 
loudspeaker (1" speakers) cage to rest on my shoulders. The array moves with 
the body, but not with the head. The aim was to get rid of HRTF and head 

From: Sursound <> on behalf of Sampo Syreeni 
Sent: Friday, December 30, 2022 8:08 AM
To: Surround Sound discussion group <>
Subject: Re: [Sursound] So long CIPIC HRTF? (Joseph Anderson)

On 2022-12-26, Bo-Erik Sandholm wrote:

> As a amateur I had a idea that I could use a CIPIC HRTF but I did not
> find an easy way to select one that had any chance to be a a good fit
> for me.

This has always been a problem with in-ear measurements and HRTF/HRIR
processing reliant on them. While in theory that's the ultimate way to
deliver binaural sound to our two ears, fitting the transfer functions
has always been a pain, and rarely doable right without going with
personalised ear molds and the like.

> In my naivity I hoped for at least skull diameter and som pictures of
> ear shape.

Not going to happen, because skull, upper torso shape, and e.g.
subcutaneous fat content in the face and upper torso areas influence the
near field reaching the ears quite a lot, especially at the lower
frequencies. Even the uneven cartilage development of the pinnae, and
the hairstyle worn, appear to heavily influence the field impinging on
your ear canals. So does clothing and apparel, as does instantaneous

So, at least to my amateur's eye (ear) it seems almost impossible to
average over all of those separate and temporally variable locational
cues so that we could somehow find a way to calibrate binaural in-ear
phones to work truly well. When headtracked, they sort of work, but even
then I know from a couple of tests they aren't perfect. The two friends
I have who've actually had their ear canals molded and have taken a
KEMAR-like test set on theirselves, aren't too impressed by the results.

So how about going about it a different way for a change? Would it be
possible to design a set of headphones which actually locally reproduced
a high order soundfield, for any set of pinnae to utilize? As they
naturally do? Kind of like do very high order ambisonics or WFS, but now
right besides the ear, and headtracked? I mean that ought to take the
HRTF modelling aspect fully out of the picture: the pinna would do what
it does for each, and then the upper torso reflections would also be
much easier to simulate numerically, since they are of lower order and
at lower frequency.
Sampo Syreeni, aka decoy -,
+358-40-3751464, 025E D175 ABE5 027C 9494 EEB0 E090 8BA9 0509 85C2
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