I´m also "only" a musician/composer, trying to get wiser..:-)
But I do know that VST is not working in Logic - this is AU format only.

I would try stuff, and listen.
Maybe you could use Reasurroundpan the new surroundplugin in reaper. if U don´t 
have reaper U can get a 60 days free evaluation (or more)
Another plug in I use for listening back is DearVR MONITOR.  Penteo can do the 
same and go directly to Binaural but goes from atmos 5.1.4.
Or you can try Flux spat revolution (expensive)
There is trial versions of all this plug ins (Spat R is Not a plug in though)

Med venlig hilsen/Best regards

Søren Bendixen
Composer/Sound Designer &  stringed instruments player

Company: Audiotect
Web:audiotect.dk <http://audiotect.dk/>

Latest Music and Sounddesign

14 september - ?
Sound and Music for New Exhibition at Danish Jewish Museum, Copenhagen.

August 2022 - ?
Music and sounddesign for the Exhibition "Auf den Spuren einer Königin", at 
Großraden, Germany

29 april 2022 - february 23
Sounddesign for Neanderthal exhibition at the National History Museum - 

22 january - 11 september 2022
Music and sounddesign for "RUS Viking" at Moesgaard Museum

In progress
Sound and Music for the Exhibition KAOS. Moesgaard Museum. Opens 11 nov. 2022

Recordings for new album :"Musik" by Søren Bendixen.Release fall 2022

> Den 18. sep. 2022 kl. 04.57 skrev David McKevy <david.mck...@gmail.com>:
> Ralph you mentioned wanting a Mac based VST so I assume you have access to
> Logic and can try their binaural decoder?
> It's been a while since I worked with channel based surround but I assume
> that by now they may have varying HRTF's...
> Just a thought...
> On Sat, Sep 17, 2022, 8:52 PM Ralph Jones <rjonesth...@comcast.net> wrote:
>> I’m a composer, not a mathematician, so while I try, I don’t get very far
>> at understanding discussions like this. But the subject is of real concern
>> for me, because I am currently working in 5.1.4 surround format
>> (channel-based, not Atmos) and I would dearly love to find a mac-compatible
>> VST plugin that would convincingly render my work in binaural. So, is there
>> a plugin that does what Fons describes here? (i.e., given azimuth and
>> elevation for each channel, render the signals to binaural convincingly,
>> including an impression of elevation for height channels.)
>> Ralph Jones
>>> On Sep 13, 2022, at 9:00 AM,Fons Adriaensen wrote:
>>> Message: 1
>>> Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2022 15:59:49 +0200
>>> From: Fons Adriaensen <f...@linuxaudio.org>
>>> To: sursound@music.vt.edu
>>> Subject: Re: [Sursound] about principled rendering of ambisonic to
>>>      binaural
>>> Message-ID:
>>>      <20220913135949.ugwflytibwa7p...@mail1.linuxaudio.cyso.net>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
>> [Snip]
>>> Another question is if for high quality binaural rendering, starting from
>>> Ambisonic content is a good idea at all.
>>> Simple fact is that if you want really good results you need very high
>>> order, and
>>> 1. such content isn't available from direct recordings (we don't have
>> even
>>> 10th order microphpones), so it has to be synthetic,
>>> 2. rendering it from an Ambisonic format would be very inefficient. For
>>> example for order 20 you'd need 441 convolutions if you assume L/R head
>>> symmetry, twice that number if you don't.
>>> Compare this to rendering from object encoded content (i.e. mono signals
>>> plus directional metadata). You need only two convolutions per object.
>>> Starting from a sufficiently dense HRIR set, you can easily generate a
>>> new set on a regular grid with a few thousand points, and interpolate
>>> them (VBAP style) in real time. This can give you the same resolution
>>> as e.g. order 40 Ambisonics at fraction of the complexity.
>>> Ciao,
>>> --
>>> FA
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