Dear Colleagues,

apologies for cross-posting.

We are looking for participants for an online listening test that will help us 
better understand how much we can simplify room acoustics simulations in a 
binaural context. This is a crucial issue that needs to be addressed to 
efficiently render plausible audio for augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR). 
This effort is part of the SONICOM project, which focuses on auditory-based 
social interaction and communication in AR/VR (more info here: In particular, we are investigating how much a room 
model can be simplified in terms of its geometry and the acoustical properties 
of the materials therein, before a significant effect is perceived in a 
binaural simulation of said room.

Participating in the test is very easy, as you can do it from your web browser 
and will just need a pair of headphones and approximately 30 minutes to 
complete it. The protocol is similar to the well-known MUSHRA (multiple 
stimulus test with hidden reference and anchor), and you will be asked to 
compare several audio stimuli with a reference using a numerical scale - we'd 
like to thank the WebMUSHRA team for the excellent work in implementing their 
online version of he procedure (which we have used for this test).

If you are interested in taking part, or are curious to know more, please 
follow this link (please note that it might take a while to load, as a 
relatively large number of audiofiles need to be downloaded):

Please feel free to share it with other colleagues and students.

Best regards,


Dr Lorenzo Picinali
Reader in Audio Experience Design<>
Dyson School of Design Engineering
Imperial College London
Dyson Building
Imperial College Road
South Kensington, SW7 2DB, London
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