“COMPASS can also perform SOA upsampling - what DirAC and HarpeX

To avoid further linguistic discussions:
I should have written upmixing (as used before in my postings), not upsampling.
(Upsampling usually refers to SRC.)


----- Mensagem de Stefan Schreiber <st...@mail.telepac.pt> ---------
Data: Sun, 25 Oct 2020 15:58:52 +0000
De: Stefan Schreiber <st...@mail.telepac.pt>
Assunto: Re: [Sursound] Recorder for ORTF-3D OUTDOOR SET
Para: Surround Sound discussion group <sursound@music.vt.edu>

“remember we have had long conversations about VBAP
already in private  years ago .....”

I don’t remember all the details (will talk to my lawyer later, he he...), but we also had some talks about DirAC - I think.

Anyway, I suppose DirAC has been kind of replaced by COMPASS - in the meantime.

COMPASS can also perform SOA upsampling - what DirAC and HarpeX couldn’t. (DirAC was back then even not available for private testing. I have been there, tried everything, case closed...)

Maybe somebody should now < really > test COMPASS ?  (scratching my head)

If you are still connected to the dreadful Internet:


“A new method of ambisonic signal analysis and synthesis is pro- posed, based on a more general model of the sound scene compared to previous approaches, with applications to flexible high-resolution reproduction, enhancement of low-order signals, and spatial modi- fications of the sound scene. The method extracts multiple source signals and an ambient residual that is not necessarily isotropic, and renders them to loudspeakers or headphones with control between linear and fully parametric rendering, or between foreground and ambient background components. Listening test results indicate that the method improves spatial, timbral, and overall perceived quality compared to Ambisonics with the same order of input.”

(From the article’s conclusio. Anybody still speaking Latin? Or is there a language barrier? 😇 )

Best regards


P.S.: And now in Greek:

THIS is Spaaaarta!    (see link above)

Special thanks to Archontis Politis. (Who doesn’t come from Sparta... Very bad joke, admittedly!)

- - -

Haha fair play lad - remember we have had long conversations about VBAP
already in private  years ago .....
anyway take care and shame you are not the same Stefan, I really must get
away from this dreadful internet

On Sun, 25 Oct 2020 at 14:05, Stefan Schreiber <st...@mail.telepac.pt>

Ok, Augustine, I think we have come a lot closer. And there is
actually no language barrier...

I tried to explain that you can use VBAP for (stereophonic)

Steinberg: I have no relationship whatsoever with this company.
However, you are not the only one who thinks that I am working for


is NOT me. AFAIK.... 🤷‍♂️ )

I think it would be a great idea to integrate DPAP into their products.
Best to directly write to them, I guess.


Stefan (the guy who is NOT Steinberg)

P.S.: This doesn’t go on like this. Either he or me has to change the
name now... 🧐

- - -

I think perhaps Stefan there is a language barrier or problem with
communication here ?

Your exact words were ""*It is important to see that every position is
panned to 2 speakers in *
*2D, and (usually) 3 speakers in 3D.*"
You didn't refer to mono - but I did refer to "one" channel being spread
over several speakers sounding crap (or blurring spatialisation) to which
you replied this was wrong because its how millions of records were made
- of course I believe you know what were stereo is and were referring to
panning one sound source (eg a trumpet)  across two speakers as in
stereophonic panning -  "one soundsource" being different to "one
- thus the confusion?
Yes I know what VBAP is - I literally said it uses triangles in my last
post and that I've used it for 15 years, VBAP is great - I do mix it with
ambisonics sometimes though.
As for upmixing stereo to 5.1 - I agree with you about leaving the front
left and right intact if you *HAVE* to do it - all I was saying is
stereo to 5.1 is never going to be as good as actually having a 5.1 mix
start with all six discrete channels created from the beginning uising a
surround sound panner .(yes I know about the LFE).
By the way - you work for Steinbergs marketing department right? If you
the same Stefan - will you PLEASE try and get them to incorporate some
of DBAP (Distance Based Amplitude Panning)  or similar into Nuendo?
Basically, it would be great if you could draw speaker maps/position the
speakers in the panner by dragging and dropping them to different
(so then you could use really irregular arrays). For example, if I wanted
to pan sounds corridors in a labyrinth or maze (which I have done
or have a circle within a circle etc etc this would be a great feature
would definitely give it an edge over competitors like reaper. Ive been
told you can do this in Pyramix but never seen it - but I have to do it
Max MSP at the moment or use Nuendos panners in ways they werent meant to
be used. It would also be handy to adjust the directivity of

On Sun, 25 Oct 2020 at 11:53, Stefan Schreiber <st...@mail.telepac.pt>

> I should add diffusion can use one channel successfully over several
> speakers for creative effect - but her eIm talking about the accuracy
> panning, point sources etc

So I tried to accurately describe how panning is done... 😇


> On Sun, 25 Oct 2020 at 09:32, Augustine Leudar <
> wrote:
>> Stefan -  I think we may be getting crossed wires here (pun not
>> Me: *“one channel over several speakers sounds crap”*
>> "
>> You:  *"*
>> *I would say your statement is just wrong.  We are following normal
>> panning rules, which are proven in millions of *
>> *recordings."*
>> Stereo recordings have two channels, not one - unless you're
>> mono which of course can sound  fine with one channel on two
speakers -
>> has no panning whatsoever
>> But perhaps you are not understanding what I am saying or perhaps you
>> trolling me :) You suggest "just trying VBAP - well I first "just
>> VBAP" fifteen years ago and have used it in literally hundreds of
>> installations since and much prefer it to ambisonics in 90 percent of
>> situations.- I literally use it for work nearly every day and its
>> DBAP and other forms of amplitude panning, day in day out so I do
>> take the time to actually understand what I am trying to say
otherwise I
>> fear this may be wasted time for both of us .
>> "*Stereo to 4 speakers: You can’t map stereo to positions which are
>> of the stereo front*."
>> You can and people do - but it sounds crap - which was my point -
>> upmix a stereo file to 5.1 for example in post houses all the time
there is
>> a variety of ways they do this and you can read about them here :
>> https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-10546-3_28
>> "*It is important to see that every position is panned to 2 speakers
>> *2D, and (usually) 3 speakers in 3D.*"
>> ????? Yes and no - stereo is panned to positions in 2 speakers of
>> but I would think more carefully about what 2D and 3D actually mean
>> technically speaking - 3D just refers to 3 dimensions. 3D could refer
to a
>> million speakers, so could 2D actually. It's very rare for any kind
>> spatial audio to be rendered over 3 speakers though it happens.
Whilst I
>> know simple surround systems are referred to as 3D In reality the
>> thing is a misnomer, 3D should include height and proximity. So a
>> source (1 speaker ) should be called 0D, Stereo should be called 1D
- a
>> line - quad/5.1 octaphonic/3 speakers you refer to should be called
>> its just a flat surface- from then on we include height - Ambisonics
>> rendered with height, should, in my opinion, should be called 2.5 D
>> cant really create proximity properly - aka sounds coming close to
>> True 3D audio, where a sound can be anywhere in 3D space including
>> that come right up close to you can only be created by DBAP in my
>> experience,  or other amplitude panning and perhaps binaural (not
>> this convincingly yet)  though Matt Montags WFS with height system
might be
>> able to do it. More on the definition of dimensions :

>> You could argue you could add height to 3 (or even 2 or 1) speakers
>> psychoacoustic effects , directional bands etc making it 3D - or you
>> stick one speaker up a lampost for height  - but that's another can
>> worms.  Recent "developments" in 4D, 8D audio etc etc are just
>> gimmicks.
>> Anyway, - I am not talking about ambisonics or object-based panning
>> yes object-based panning systems such as Atmos use amplitude panning
>> system similar to VBAP but instead of a triangle of speakers uses a
>> rectangular tesselation :
>> https://patents.google.com/patent/WO2016210174A1/en) .
>>  I am talking for want of a better expression amplitude panning and
>> the Scheoops type system at the beginning of this thread.
>> Lets me try and explain things as clearly as possible.
>> IF I have a stereo file in which a bird flies from one speaker to
>> and I simply "upmix" this stereo file by doubling it onto a quad
>> the bird will be flying from the front left to the front right
>> the back left to the back right speaker - which willl sound crap, or
>> least not usually the desired effect .  So in the example of the
>> setup - you have 8 hypercardioid speakers point to the 8 corners of
>> cube - each one of those channels is meant to go go to ONE speaker
of a
>> cube array. Ie each one of those mics and speakers covers one corner
>> eighth of the 3D sound field. Let's go back to the bird. Say I have a
>> happily staying in the top right speaker of my octaphonic cube as was
>> recorded there by my mic or positioned there by mu panner.  If you
>> suddenly get that top right corner channel of the octatonic cube and
put it
>> on two speakers instead of just the one it was originally meant to
>> represent (aka upmixing) then the bird will no longer be an accurate
>> source in one place it will now be coming from two places, if those
>> speakers are in different trees - that bird will now be coming from
>> trees - aka the bird will suddenly be larger, or the imaging blurred
>> you might get lucky with precedence effect,this will apply to all
>> in the sound scene too if you have upmixed all speakers, the further
>> the speakers are the worse it will be.  For me this kind of thing is
>> crucially important as I do walkaround installations that cannot
have a
>> "sweet spot".    So upmixing presents a problem for this type of 3D
>> recordings - and perhaps less so for ambisonics. Now downmixing with
>> kind of recordings and composition actually works quite well and I
>> tried it many times when I've needed to send a rough mix to
>> clients and I am left with the daunting task of downmixing a 28
>> installation to a stereo file - you have to be very selective about
>> channels you use and the perspective of the listener. Funnily enough
>> stereo recordings I have downmixed from quad and octaphonic
>> sound strangely spacious. I hope this makes my point of view clear -
>> quite simple and based on years of experience and research and is
>> practical - things have to work or I don't get gigs and the public
>> is not good simple as that.
>> Delightful as this conversation is I have to get back to work and
>> offline for a bit - I bid you good day sir.
>> On Sun, 25 Oct 2020 at 01:34, Stefan Schreiber <
>> wrote:
>>> Stereo to 4 speakers: You can’t map stereo to positions which are
>>> of the stereo front.
>>> Octomic to 20 speakers: Should actually (and does) work, via simple
>>> panning.
>>> It is important to see that every position is panned to 2 speakers
>>> 2D, and (usually) 3 speakers in 3D.
>>> (If speakers should stay empty I don’t see any problem.)
>>> “one channel over several speakers sounds crap”
>>> We are following normal panning rules, which are proven in millions
>>> recordings. So I would say your statement is just wrong.
>>> You don’t spread “8 speakers over 20 speakers” in some statistical
>>> ways, if that is what you meant.
>>> So I just have suggested to “try” VBAP, obtaining some very
>>> (and proven) results.
>>> Object and speaker panning is not very different, by the way.
>>> (You can see the speakers also as objects. )
>>> Best,
>>> Stefan
>>> ----- Mensagem de Augustine Leudar <augustineleu...@gmail.com>
>>> Data: Fri, 23 Oct 2020 23:21:50 +0100
>>> De: Augustine Leudar <augustineleu...@gmail.com>
>>> Assunto: Re: [Sursound] Recorder for ORTF-3D OUTDOOR SET
>>> Para: Surround Sound discussion group <sursound@music.vt.edu>



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