"it would interesting to see if there are any papers/listening tests 
which have
tested lovcalisation with HRTFs and different types of headphones - are
there any ?"

Here is at lest 1 study that I am familiar with:

D. Schönstein, L. Ferré, and B. Katz, “Comparison of headphones and 
equalization for virtual auditory source localization,” in Acoustics’08. 9e 
Congres Français d’Acoustique of the SFA. Paru dans : JASA, Vol 123, n°5, 
(Paris), pp. 1–5, 2008, 

Brian FG Katz, Research Director, CNRS
Groupe Lutheries - Acoustique – Musique
Sorbonne Université, CNRS, UMR 7190, Institut Jean Le Rond ∂'Alembert 

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