Proud to announce that the Mach1 Spatial SDK is open and available on our 
We will be consolidating all our libs/examples/tools here: <>

Included in our SDK is an executable commandline Swiss army knife for vector 
based conversions between any spatial or multichannel format to any other 
spatial or multichannel format we have found documentation on, we are striving 
to make this a community driven tool and are working on a GUI web app so that 
anyone can contribute their own custom multichannel configurations to be built 
into this executable (and library). Recently we have added the ability to input 
custom configurations via JSON to expand on the usability. 
You can find our m1-transcode binaries here: 

After years of use with our team internally on many projects and some key 
integrations to expand upon spatial and multichannel audio development to grow 
the spatial audio medium; we have matured our SDK and are excited to see how 
others might utilize it!

Additionally we have been working on R&D for best practices for different 
methods of headtracking for the web when utilized for spatial audio. We hope 
this can be combined with the above m1-transcode tool for new methods of 
reviewing surround and multichannel content and hopefully make things more 
accessible and creative for us all. 

Check out the latest version of this here: 
<> (requires webcam)
Check out the git here: 

      340.29 m / s
      Dylan Marcus
      Technical Director
      A Sound Technology Company.
      New York New York
      The United States of America.

      Defenders of the Audio Realm™

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