Research Associate/Post-Doc/Research Engineer in Spatial Audio VR

Sound Spaces team, Institut Jean le Rond d'Alembert, Sorbonne University

A contract research position is available to work in immersive audio within the 
 <> Sound Spaces team, 
Lutheries - Acoustique – Musique group of the Institut Jean le Rond d'Alembert, 
Sorbonne University, Paris, France. 


The position is for 1 year with potential extension up to 3 years. Starting 
dates are somewhat flexible, from September 2020 to March 2021, while the 
earlier the better. Salary is based on experience, following the university pay 


Candidature submission closing date: 30-July-2020.

Job description 


The successful candidate will work with a dynamic team on several collaborative 
projects relating to spatial auditory perception, room acoustic simulations and 
associated virtual reality reconstructions, and aspects of dynamic source 
directivity in VR applications. The principal associated projects are:


·        RASPUTIN <> , Room Acoustic 
Simulations for Perceptually Realistic Uses in Real-Time Immersive and 
Navigation Experiences

·        PHE <> , 
The Past Has Ears, acoustics as cultural heritage

·        EVAA <> , Experimental Virtual 

·        Anaglyph <> , binaural audio engine

·        Research on the rendering and perception of directional sources in VR 
(research collaboration with a major VR industry partner)


The Research Associate will be involved in a wide range of activities working 
alongside other researchers and doctoral students, with the possibility to 
supervise Master student internship projects. Activities include immersive 
audio scene creation, archeoacoustic reconstructions of historic sites, 
development of a portable spatial audio guide application, and carrying out 
evaluation listening tests with blind and sighted participants both in the lab 
and in the field. Responsibilities centre on producing high quality research, 
which shall be published in international journals and conferences. Some out of 
hours work may be required to meet project deadlines and travel requirements.

Sought Skills

The successful candidate will be expected to have strong knowledge of immersive 
and interactive audio. Experience with binaural systems and Ambisonics is of 
particular importance for this position. Additional experience in room 
acoustics will be highly beneficial. List of skills, experience, and 
qualification required:


•       Degree with a focus on spatial audio or associated domain essential. 
Candidates without a PhD should provide supporting evidence of suitable 
equivalent work experience for the position. 

•       Background in spatial audio 

•       Strong programming skills (Matlab proficiency is a minimum requirement)

•       Experience in creating experimental prototypes such as measurement 
systems or spatial audio tests

•       Experience with listening test design, implementation, and analysis 

•       Experience presenting research findings at international conferences 
and symposia 

•       A suitable record of accomplishment in publishing academic articles in 
international journals and conferences

•       Ability to work independently and as part of a team on multiple 
projects in parallel

•       Experience with interactive audio systems, such as virtual and 
augmented reality headsets, Unity 3D, and other VR and AR technologies is 



Candidates should provide a CV and letter of motivation. Reference contacts 
will be requested later during the recruitment process as well as the 
possibility of a competency evaluation. Candidate’s letter of motivation should 
highlight how their skills will benefit the above projects as well as 
demonstrate how they will be able to acquire new skills for improved 
integration into the research team. For candidature submission and enquiries: 
please contact Brian FG Katz ( <>



Brian FG Katz, Ph.D, HDR

Research Director, CNRS

Groupe Lutheries - Acoustique - Musique 

Sorbonne Université, CNRS, UMR 7190, Institut Jean Le Rond ∂'Alembert

bureau 510, 5ème, allé des tours 55-65

4, Place Jussieu 

75005 Paris 


Tel: (+33) 01 44 27 80 34

web_perso:  <>  

web_lab:  <>     

web_group:  <>

youtube_group:  <>

facebook_group: @lam.dalembert.upmc  


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