Wow! I'm so extremely grateful for all this information everyone. Thank you
for taking the time out to inform me and providing some really cool
resources to look at.

Looking forward to exploring the Faust and SHARC integration as I was not
aware you were able to do this. Gives me a good excuse to get more into

I have also read the AllRAD2 paper and plan to embark upon implementing it
once I've got to the point that the current AllRAD in this setup is
sounding as good as possible.

So coming back to my problem, as it turns out, my lower imaginary speaker
was not being activated. After making a simple fix to add it, things are
sounding a lot better! I think the next step to give it the final polish
will be to compensate for the speaker's distance to centre as the speakers
are relatively equidistant but I can't be sure. I will also look into DRC
and see how I can get that to work within our setup.

Thankfully I've already developed a framework for updating the SHARC chip's
DSP blocks without having to actually flash the boards. This system uses
Ethernet AVB to send the control parameters and audio to XMOS boards which
then control the SHARC. So the DSP development cycle is relatively fast at
this point.

Thanks again for all the advice everyone! Wishing you all the best!
Sean Devonport
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