Am 15.09.18 um 21:11 schrieb Steven Boardman:
Their limiter doesn't work like that Ralf.

It does in the H2, H4 and H4n. Purely digital and behind the A/D converter. They call it a digital 'effect'.

Zoom have a rich history with such stunts. Shortly after the introduction of the H4n, some particularly loud metal musicians complained that even in the lowest level setting it would still be distorting.

A new firmware release brought the additional mic level settings 0.1 to 0.9 with a downward extension of the control range by 24 dB. A quick check on the test bench revealed that they just reduced the level in the digital domain. The recorded signal was still flat-topping, with the level meters at -24 dB, while the input select buttons were flashing furiously to indicate the overload at the AD converter.

Having an all in one small unit, however non professional is great.

I'll certainly agree with that, although cum grano salis, as usual with Zoom. Having said this, I have a few hundred audio recordings I would never have made if it weren't for the ease and simplicity of the Zooms.


Ralf R. Radermacher  -  Köln/Cologne, Germany
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