Thanks Steven
I´m considering a move to Reaper, but 15 years ago I did choose Logic as my 
DAW, second by Ableton Live (only remix stuff, and DJ like stuff and 
loop-making - no mixing)
after fumbling around.And logic is (also) my composing tool. nevertheless i 
have the feeling, that Reaper will do the job. The key command thing is 
essential! and big issue for not jumping right away.
I have done several “parrallel designs” in different sessions in logic and 
assembled them later (in logic)
I cannot figure out how to get 16 ch busses working in Logic
If you have any idea it would be helpfull
I´m testing spatial Audio designer now - and maybe it can get past the bus 
Søren Bendixen
> Den 27. mar. 2018 kl. 20.14 skrev Steven Boardman <>:
> Hi Søren
> Here's My 2 pence.
> I have used Logic, live and protools for years, and dreaded the switch to
> Reaper to take advantage of the 64ch buses.
> In the end i didn't, i use them all.
> If i am composing i generally use logic, transfer and mixing from film
> edits,  protools, and live performances,  Ableton.
> But i always go through Reaper to do most spatialisation. This is all done
> via digital in and outs and network sync, midi and osc. It works very
> well,  and meant i did not have to change over 20 years of programming in a
> short time.
> Now i tend to do a lot more in Reaper, and and quite happy working solely
> with it. It's a fantastic DAW made by a very responsive team.
> The transition is greatly helped by the fact i have changed all similar
> functions to the same key commands. No looking in a load of menus for
> differently named items.
> I'm not fully convinced of the use of vbap just because of the sweet spot.
> To me even 1st order Ambisonics sounds more immersive, even out of the
> sweetspot. It doesn't suffer speakers pulling the phantom image to the
> nearest source so obviously.
> Ambisonics also seems to even out room response
> , and is
> tolerant of cheap speakers (if they are all the same).
> This all should be a consideration.
> So using both techniques may yield a more robust response.
> Best
> Steven
> On 27 Mar 2018 17:13, "Søren Bendixen" <> wrote:
> Hi Johannes
> I’ve been demoing it for a few days!, so I know about it - but only
> scratching the surface - and I actually forgot it on my testing list.
> I liked it, and I´ll get back to MNTN soon, but now my concern is DAW -
> stay in Logic Pro or go to Reaper
> BR
> Søren
>> Den 27. mar. 2018 kl. 17.23 skrev Johannes Scherzer <
>> Hi Soeren,
>> If you’re looking for a VBAP/DBAP tool, check out The Sound of the
> Mountain.
>> It’s super flexible with custom speaker setups, lightweight in terms of
> required processing power, and we intentionally built it exactly for media
> based scenography in museum exhibitions.
>> Good luck!
>> Johannes
>>> On 27. Mar 2018, at 08:32, wrote:
>>> Re: (a little )help needed for ambisonics museum project
>>>    (s?ren Bendixen)
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> Med venlig hilsen/Best regards
> Søren Bendixen
> Composer/Sound Designer/Producer
> Winner of Monitor Industry Award 2016 for the exhibition “Gladiator”, At
> Moesgaard Museum
> New album Music for exhibitions out 15 January 2017
> Company: Søren Bendixen & Anette Krag
> +45 60624394
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Med venlig hilsen/Best regards

Søren Bendixen
Composer/Sound Designer/Producer

Winner of Monitor Industry Award 2016 for the exhibition “Gladiator”, At 
Moesgaard Museum

New album Music for exhibitions out 15 January 2017

Company: Søren Bendixen & Anette Krag
+45 60624394

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