...and interaural level differences for low frequencies

Dr. Peter Lennox SFHEA

Senior Lecturer in Perception

College of Arts, Humanities and Education

School of Arts

e: p.len...@derby.ac.uk<mailto:p.len...@derby.ac.uk>

t: 01332 593155


University of Derby,
Kedleston Road,
DE22 1GB, UK
From: Sursound <sursound-boun...@music.vt.edu> on behalf of jack reynolds 
Sent: 23 January 2018 11:58:51
To: Surround Sound discussion group
Subject: Re: [Sursound] A submittal for a patent on Ambisonics?

It looks like a method for binaural rendering with multiple distance HRTFs.

Ambisonics could be one of the inputs, but it seems to be aimed more at
object based virtual reality, where the listener is more likely to come
very close to an audio source.

Most HRTFs are currently measured at 1m distance, so any objects closer
than 1m are not currently rendered correctly.

Far field HRTFs are closer to plane waves, whereas close up audio objects
emit more spherical waves, creating greater differences in interaural time
difference (ITD).


On 23 January 2018 at 11:18, Bearcat Şándor <bearcatsan...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I don't know a lot about patent law, but is this an attempt to tie up our
> beloved Ambisonics?
> http://www.freepatentsonline.com/y2017/0366912.html
> If so, can we do anything about it?
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