
we use three videos for the reconstruction. One where you go around the
scanned person so that his/her head and shoulders are visible. The other
two are closeup's of the ears, where you move the phone so that all parts
of the pinnae are illuminated and recorded. In the video embedded in the
blog post the ear closeups are actually the ones used for the

This way we get good resolution where we need it and it only takes about a
minute for the whole scan.

I'll be in touch next week with everyone interested.


On Fri, Oct 6, 2017 at 9:35 PM, <st...@mail.telepac.pt> wrote:

> Hi Antti...
> Could you be a bit more explicit on how the photo scan is actually done?
> Is not explained in the link(s) - and should not be a classified secret
> either I guess..
> Thanks!
> Stefan
> Citando Antti Vanne <antti.va...@ownsurround.com>:
> Would you be interested trying out our mobile phone scanning, see e.g.
>>  https://medium.com/@nahkiz/the-holy-grail-in-audio-and-how-
>> we-found-it-c3e55ccdf37a
>>  On Oct 6, 2017 16:26, "Bo-Erik Sandholm" <bosses...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I am looking for information on how to find the best fit from public/Free
>>>  SOFA databases.
>>>  I think one criteria could be the inter ear distance?
>>>  How would I for example find the best fit in the CIPRIC SOFA database
>>> for
>>>  my headwith.
>>>  I do not really want to test all available SOFA files by listening with
>>>  them.
>>>  And for me the process of getting a personal SOFA seems still to be too
>>>  expensive or at least hard to do.
>>>  Bo-Erik
>>>  Stockholm Sweden
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