Citando Bo-Erik Sandholm <>:
Yes, I would love to try it out.
I tried to get scanned last year, we failed to get a good scan during the
hour we could spend.
They where more used to scanning in lower resolution for 3d printing in a
smaller scale.
I have read a number of articles on scanning, I even bought 2 Microsoft
But it it never got off the ground.
The kinect won't be able to scan your pinnae, at least not in
sufficient resolution?
Because this is one main weakness of photo-based approaches in general...
P.S.: Don't want to spoil the hrtf capture party though... 😇
I/we will release open sw, firmware and hw spec for open software Bluetooth
4 connected headtracker later this year. To buy the core hw modules should
cost around 20 to 35 euro.
We hope to be able to run this headtracker and binaural player on windows
10, Linux and OSX.
On 6 Oct 2017 15:38, "Antti Vanne" <> wrote:
Would you be interested trying out our mobile phone scanning, see e.g.
On Oct 6, 2017 16:26, "Bo-Erik Sandholm" <> wrote:
I am looking for information on how to find the best fit from public/Free
SOFA databases.
I think one criteria could be the inter ear distance?
How would I for example find the best fit in the CIPRIC SOFA database for
my headwith.
I do not really want to test all available SOFA files by listening with
And for me the process of getting a personal SOFA seems still to be too
expensive or at least hard to do.
Stockholm Sweden
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