Hi Aaron,

yes, this is true.

However, there is mcfx_gain_delay which can be used for delay and gain compensation (and sending test signals for crosscheck).

The reason I have this separated is my thinking of the speaker adjustment being a separate topic/step than generating the decoder.

In practice you might not know the exact xyz coordinates of your speakers, rather an more-or-less accurate estimate of azimuth and elevation to generate your decoder. Further the speakers/amps/dsps/converters in your playback system might not have equal gain (and of course the particularities of the room for each speaker position...). Therefore using cart./sph. coordinates as basis for your gain and delay compensation might not be the best choice in real world.

I usually do a measurement with an omni mic in the sweet spot for getting gain and delay corrected, and of course crosscheck with your ears. (although, being overly correct for delay compensation might also not be the best choice and increase coloration) In my installations there is often a digital mixer or separate computer involved feeding the loudspeakers, therefore I set the correction including some filtering there. This is the step that does not depend on the spatialization method, and should anyway be done for any loudspeaker setup. Therefore I don't have to worry about the calibration of speakers anymore afterwards when using different computers to playback on the array with whatever fancy spatialization sound designers and composers come up.

spat~ has some nice tools that help you measuring gain and delay very quickly.

However, I released the first order version of ambix only for completeness, I don't really recommend using first order if you want to create a wow effect, as it is way to blurry. Active upmixing or higher order mics are the way to go, however the current hype did not yet touch this.


On 07.07.2017 04:56, Aaron Heller wrote:
Ambix decoder is a matrix multiplication only, with no distance
compensation (please correct me if I'm wrong, Matthias).

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