yikes -  hope this doesn't apply to Motu's avb series too - I just got a 24
ao and am thinking if a 24 ai....

On 27 June 2017 at 11:37, Richard Lee <rica...@justnet.com.au> wrote:

> There's a number of issues brought up in this thread which Core Sound have
> been aware of for some time and have been attempting to address.  But its
> difficult for a small company to make major changes on the small turnover.
> For what its worth, the 'new' PPAc will give around 1dB improvement in
> perceived S/N regardless of your favourite weighting (more if you are not
> using a Metric Halo or similar).  This has been achieved mainly by a bit
> more than 1dB more output. 8>D
> The MOTU Traveler has near SOTA noise performance but the design is flawed
> and they often become very noisy over time.  If you have one which has been
> OK for more than 12 mths, you are probably OK
> I'm on my 3rd Traveler.  The 2nd one developed the noise almost exactly 12
> mths after I received it.  As the 1st took 3 mths to be 'repaired', those
> of us in Oz are not happy bunnies.  (The Traveler is actually Angelo
> Farina's who kindly lent it to Cooktown Recording and Ambisonic
> Productions.)
> Its pretty obvious MOTU don't have in-house design expertise and they deny
> there is a problem.  I've not looked inside a MOTU 4pre ... but so far,
> those we know of haven't developed this problem so it has our cautious
> recommendation.
> In terms of noise with TetraMic, I'd expect a 'good' Traveler to be on par
> with Sound Devices and Metric Halo (sadly Mac only) and you would notice
> the noise difference between these and the DR680 which is our
> recommendation for an inexpensive portable device.
> My experience is if you are not recording bird song in the Norfolk Broads,
> the noise performance of TetraMic wth the above good preamps is not a
> problem.  There are some excellent recordings on Ambisonia from John
> Leonard & Paul Hodges .. some of which were made in a very quiet studio.
> That's not to say we aren't working on even better performance ... 8>D
> ___________________
> (There are problems with noise on the P48V on early DR680s and Paul Hodges
> has a mod for these on Channels 1-4.  I believe, TASCAM, Europe were
> modifying Mk1 DR680s and the new one has sorted this out.
> If you have an old DR680, it is worth doing Paul's mod as it affects some
> mikes, both $$$ & inexpensive.  TetraMic is actually pretty immune to P48V
> noise.)
> __________________
> If you have a good A/D without preamps, you can build a 4 channel preamp
> using THAT chips with near SOTA performance.
> Bear in mind you need to match THAT 1510s & 1512s for gain.  The internal
> resistors are laser trimmed for CMR but the absolute values differ from
> chip to chip.  Thanks to David Pickett for this tip.
> If you prefer to use SSM2019 or TI INA163 chips, use them with the latest
> THAT circuits for more reliable long term performance.  All three are
> capable of excellent performance in the right circuit.
> It's the protection scheme that is flawed on the SSM, TI & (very early)
> THAT circuits.  The correct protection is cheapo 1n4004 diodes, preferable
> Glass Passivated 1n4004GP.
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Augustine Leudar
Artistic Director Magik Door LTD
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