Hi Enda

Thanks for this, it’s great to have an objective comparison.

It seems to contradict my observations between the Ambeo and the Tetramic.
I have both these, a Soundfield ST350, and a H2n.
I personally rate my Soundfield the best overall, but curious about your 
Tetramic setup.
Personally I have found the Tetramic to be better spatially and more tonally 
balanced than the Ambeo, but noisier. This is only my subjective opinion of 
What cable system did you use with both the Ambeo and the Tetramic, how long 
were the cables, and did you use the specific calibration file for your 



> On 23 Jun 2017, at 10:54, Enda Bates <eba...@tcd.ie> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
>  we recently completed a comparison of various 1st order Ambisonic 
> Microphones which you can read about in the blog post below (the full papers 
> are also available in the AES digital library).
> The blog post includes a download link for the music excerpts used in the 
> listening test, recorded with a TetraMic, Soundfield MKV, Eigenmike, Ambeo, 
> and H2n.
> https://endabates.wordpress.com/2017/06/19/comparing-ambisonic-microphones/
> All the best,
> enda
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