Hi David,
  we'll be publishing a study comparing a number of ambisonic mics at AES
Berlin next month. We had an Ambeo, TetraMic, Soundfield MKV, Zoom H2n and
an Eigenmike, and we assessed them using an objective directional study,
and a subjective listening test on low and high frequency timbre.


The full paper should be out soon, but in terms of the Ambeo, we found it
to be very good in terms of directional accuracy, and pretty good in terms
of timbre although rather bright sounding if the optional Ambisonics
Correction Filter in the A-to-B-format Conversion plugin is used.

We didnt find any significant improvement in directional accuracy with that
filter applied, and in my own personal experience, I've found the timbre of
the Ambeo to be far, far better without it.


Dr. Enda Bates
Teaching / Research Fellow
Music & Media Technologies / School of Engineering
Stack B, Custom House Quay, I.F.S.C., Dublin 1, Ireland, D01 V1F3.

+353 1 896 1434
www.endabates.net    <http://www.endabates.net>www.tcd.ie
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