Bosse Sandholm posted some B-format recordings of the Pygme Jazz Band,
recordings made with Core Sound's TetraMic and Sennheiser's Ambeo, in
response to a similar request that I made. Check back to 6 December
2016. The postings then link to files uploaded to Soundcloud.
I must confess to not having listened to them in surround sound; my
'studio' has been configured as stereo-only since mid-November. I must
put it back to surround sound (put back the speakers that were
'borrowed' for another project) and listen to the comparisons properly.
Interestingly, a small /à capella/ group to which I belong hosted some
sound recording students from a local Institute of Technology just
before Easter, to let them try out various surround sound and ambience
recording techniques. They brought along almost 30 microphones,
including a Tetramic and a Zoom H2n (but not an Ambeo). I look forward
to hearing the results of their efforts and hearing how we sound when
recorded using the different techniques.
On 25/04/2017 23:00, David Worrall wrote:
Hello all,
(I’ve survived moving continents twice since last posting. Now holed up mit
Family in Chicago).
I’m about 3-4 years behind on ambsionic research and now I’m introducing it to
a largely ignorant cohort here.
My trusty TetraMic is working well, as long as ambient RF is not too bad.
I am interested to see the latest product scrutiny by members of this esteemed
I was initially looking for a review of the Sennheiser Ambeo mic but I must
admit to being defeated by the seeming lack of a search function in the
surround archives.
Is there anywhere/anyone maintaining a searchable version?
Failing that, can someone please point me to a decent critical –even
comparative-review of this machine?
I’d also like to read the list’s latest thoughts on current (3rd order etc)
And lastly, (as if that’s not enough) could you all post (or email me) your
sites and list what’s special about them?
Sorry to be a pest, but I have to being the evangelizing process here!
Kind regards to you all,
David Worrall, PhD
Professor and Chair
Audio Arts and Acoustics Department
School of Media Arts
Columbia College Chicago
33 E Congress Pkwy Room 601N
Chicago, ILLINOIS, USA 60605
Tel: (1)312.369.8821 Fax: (1)312.369.8427
President, International Community for Auditory Display
personal research/creative practice website:
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