On Wed, Feb 08, 2017 at 05:22:22PM +0000, James Anthony Enda Bates wrote:

> Although, as more platforms like YouTube start to support HOA, I can see
> the above potentially becoming a problem when combining b-format recordings
> with HOA encoded material within a single mix. In that scenario I guess
> upmixing the B-format material using something like Harpex, or HOA
> microphones would be the solution?

Depends really on the content. If the 1st order material has some
dominant discrete sources then an upmixing process such as Harpex
can be the right thing. If it's diffuse ambience or reverb then
just mixing it in (with some control of W vs XYZ gain) will give
better results. Some dominance can help in that case as well.

In the end it's an artistic matter, as are so many things when
mixing or mastering. 



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