"A different matter is e.g. using a higher order decoder with only a
first order signal, or mixing a first order signal into a higher
order one. Then for best results you need to modify the first order
signals. This may be what you remember."

That is exactly what I was trying to remember, many thanks Fons.

Which is good, as the specific workflow question I had here is actually on
the encoding side, i.e just using a single 3rd order encoder plugin to
generate both 1st or 3rd order material as needed, so the above issue
doesn't arise.

Although, as more platforms like YouTube start to support HOA, I can see
the above potentially becoming a problem when combining b-format recordings
with HOA encoded material within a single mix. In that scenario I guess
upmixing the B-format material using something like Harpex, or HOA
microphones would be the solution?

Thanks everyone,


Dr. Enda Bates
Teaching / Research Fellow
Music & Media Technologies / School of Engineering
Stack B, IFSC, Dublin 1, Ireland.

+353 1 896 1434
www.endabates.net    <http://www.endabates.net>www.tcd.ie
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