[sent on behalf of Dr Alexander Lindau] Dear colleagues!
(sorry for cross-posting) As Papers Co-chairs for the 2016 AES International Conference on Headphone Technology in Aalborg (DK), this summer, we, Alexander Lindau and Jürgen Peissig, are pleased to announce that we are now accepting proposals for full technical papers, poster presentations and technical demos for our conference which is to be held in Aalborg (DK) this summer. For more information and author's kits, please visit the web site http://www.aes.org/conferences/2016/headphones/ and navigate to the 'Paper Submission' subpage. *Conference Topics*(non-exlcusive) *Headphone Design* Headphone Transducers: Technology, Measurement, Microdrivers, Smart Control, Simulation Personalization Additional Sensors Wearing and Listening Comfort *Applications for Mobile Audio* Augmented Reality Mobile Spatial Audio Personal and Assistive Listening Binaural Techniques Up-Mixing Noise Control Monitoring and Analytic Listening *Evaluation* Headphone Quality Quality Standards Automatic Quality Evaluation Perceptual Audio Evaluation Perceptual Targets We invite the submission of full papers between 4 and 8 pages by March 16, 2016. All submitted papers will be double-peer-reviewed before selection. The conference review committee will decide which papers are accepted, and authors will be informed of the decision by May 16, 2016. After revision, final versions of papers must be submitted by July 15, 2016. Additionally, the committee invites interested parties to propose demonstrations, workshops, or thematically suited product presentations. Email proposals should be sent to 2016hp_de...@aes.org <mailto:2016hp_de...@aes.org> by May 31, 2016. Acceptance notifications for demonstrations will be emailed by June 30, 2016. *Awards* A scientific jury will decide about Best Paper Award. Awards for Best Poster and Best Demonstration will be decided about with the help of all attendees and presented at the conference. *Dissemination * No later than 1 month after the conference the proceedings will be made permanently available online from the AES Electronic Library to subscribers. Further on, AES has a pay-to-publish policy in Open Access. If an author wants to make his/her paper openly available to everyone, this is possible by paying a specific Open Access fee. Please see details in http://www.aes.org/openaccess/ Finally, we ask you to share this information with interested colleagues and are hoping to welcome you in friendly Aalborg this summer. Sincerely, Alexander Lindau - Max-Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, Frankfurt/Main Jürgen Peissig - Leibnitz University, Hannover Papers Co-Chairs 2016hp_pap...@aes.org <mailto:2016hp_pap...@aes.org> -- Jörn Nettingsmeier Lortzingstr. 11, 45128 Essen, Tel. +49 177 7937487 Meister für Veranstaltungstechnik (Bühne/Studio) Tonmeister VDT http://stackingdwarves.net _______________________________________________ Sursound mailing list Sursound@music.vt.edu https://mail.music.vt.edu/mailman/listinfo/sursound - unsubscribe here, edit account or options, view archives and so on.