
Yes, I gave those recordings to Umashankar before I got the microphone
calibrated. I just uploaded a B-format version converted using
Tetraproc and the preset file that Fons made for me after I gave him
my IR measurements. It's not exactly the same fragment but comes from
the same group of recordings. Those birds make indeed very strange
sounds, they are called Urracas in Mexico, were the recording was
done. This is obviously not a pure nature recording since it was done
in the backyard of a house in the city. I placed the mic right under
the tree where the birds were perching.


I'll try to get the music recording processed too by tomorrow.



On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 2:41 PM, Eric Benjamin <eb...@pacbell.net> wrote:
>> Is the W level correct? I am finding myself turning up my W knob 3-6dB
> I'm tempted to agree.  Of course it's difficult to be certain.
> ________________________________
>  From: dw <d...@dwareing.plus.com>
> To: sursound@music.vt.edu
> Sent: Friday, November 22, 2013 6:21 AM
> Subject: Re: [Sursound] Hector bird recording - SoundCloud
> On 21/11/2013 19:08, Aaron Heller wrote:
>> I took the liberty of merging them into 4-channel files and putting them on
>> my server, which might be easier to access than the skydive (the UI was in
>> Japanese for me, fortunately I recognized the character for 'down')
>>    http://ambisonics.dreamhosters.com/01-Birds_WXYZ-110425_0119.wav
>>    http://ambisonics.dreamhosters.com/05-Music_WXYZ-110425_0127.wav
>> They sound quite nice.  In Harpex, you can clearly see the locations of the
>> singers, percussion, and birds.  Impressive!
>> Thanks...
>> Aaron (hel...@ai.sri.com)
>> Menlo Park, CA  US
> Is the W level correct? I am finding myself turning up my W knob 3-6dB
> relative to other recordings before it sounds good..
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