> Is the W level correct? I am finding myself turning up my W knob 3-6dB 

I'm tempted to agree.  Of course it's difficult to be certain.

 From: dw <d...@dwareing.plus.com>
To: sursound@music.vt.edu 
Sent: Friday, November 22, 2013 6:21 AM
Subject: Re: [Sursound] Hector bird recording - SoundCloud

On 21/11/2013 19:08, Aaron Heller wrote:
> I took the liberty of merging them into 4-channel files and putting them on
> my server, which might be easier to access than the skydive (the UI was in
> Japanese for me, fortunately I recognized the character for 'down')
>    http://ambisonics.dreamhosters.com/01-Birds_WXYZ-110425_0119.wav
>    http://ambisonics.dreamhosters.com/05-Music_WXYZ-110425_0127.wav
> They sound quite nice.  In Harpex, you can clearly see the locations of the
> singers, percussion, and birds.  Impressive!
> Thanks...
> Aaron (hel...@ai.sri.com)
> Menlo Park, CA  US
Is the W level correct? I am finding myself turning up my W knob 3-6dB 
relative to other recordings before it sounds good..
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