Yes - there basically aren't any problems applying the processing operations
to material that is only first order. Feeding first order material to a
third order decoder raises more subtle issues.

If you're working with first order material, we'd normally recommend you
still work at third order within Reaper, i.e. set all your track channel
counts to 16. If you force first order by setting your channel counts to 4
then everything will work, but you won't save much CPU and you'll lose
spatial accuracy in scenarios where intermediate processing uses second or
third order components. When you get to your output stage, if there isn't
any second or third order detail that you want, you can always export at
first order by simply taking only the first four channels from the TOA mix.

On decoding, I should start by saying we typically get good results feeding
first order material directly into our third order decoders. We wondered
about including an order switch here, and have done exactly that for the
Rapture3D "Advanced" decoder plugins. However, for the normal TOA Decoding
plugins we decided it would be better to focus on making everything work
cleanly at third order, and encourage treatment of first order material if
it's really needed (and IMHO it generally isn't) as folk are inevitably
going to want to add first order recordings into third order mixes.

There's a "First Order Injector" in the Upmixers library that provides a
couple of such treatments, and an equivalent result can be achieved using
the "Order Amplifier" and/or "Diffuser" plugins in the Manipulators library.
These treatments don't attempt to sharpen the image. In contrast, you should
also be able to upsample to third order using Svein's excellent HARPEX-B
plugin, although the public version of that currently generates only
horizontal components at third order (for compatibility with channel count
limits in other hosts).

That all said, first order material added directly to a third order mix and
then decoded at third order is generally just "blurrier" or less sharp than
real third order material (as one would expect!) but hopefully that's fine
for most scenarios.

Best wishes,


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sursound [] On Behalf Of
> Dave Malham
> Sent: 22 November 2013 13:42
> To: Surround Sound discussion group
> Subject: Re: [Sursound] New Ambisonic VST Plugins
> Shouldn't be any problems with any of the processing operations (Richard?)
> but the decoding will need to set at 1st order.
>     Dave
> On 22 November 2013 07:40, Bo-Erik Sandholm
> <>wrote:
> > Hi
> > Is there any technical problems in using third order processing with
> > first order data ?
> > If I remember correctly it should not be a problem?
> > Only the overhead of having 12 unused tracks in the reaper layout?
> >
> > Nice of you to promote Ambisonics by offering the basic plugins for
> > Thank you
> > Bo-Erik Sandholm
> > Sweden
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Sursound [] On Behalf Of
> > Richard Furse
> > Sent: den 21 november 2013 14:14
> > To: Surround Sound discussion group
> > Subject: [Sursound] New Ambisonic VST Plugins
> >
> > Hi there!
> >
> > In case folk aren't aware, the TOA ("Third Order Ambisonic") VST plugins
> > from Blue Ripple Sound have been released, along with some other bits
> and
> > pieces. They are intended primarily for use with Reaper (Cubase/Nuendo
> > currently can't host them).
> >
> > More details can be found at
> >
> >
> > Best wishes,
> >
> > --Richard
> >
> >
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> >
> >
> >
> --
> As of 1st October 2012, I have retired from the University.
> These are my own views and may or may not be shared by the University
> Dave Malham
> Honorary Fellow, Department of Music
> The University of York
> York YO10 5DD
> UK
> 'Ambisonics - Component Imaging for Audio'
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