Dear Bengt-Inge,

Thanks a lot.

Best regards,

On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 4:40 PM, Bengt-Inge Dalenbäck <> wrote:

> Dear Junfeng
> At 01:20 2013-11-22, you wrote:
> >Dear Martin,
> >
> >I sent one email to CLF group. Unfortunately, there is no any response.
> >Therefore, I try to look for someone who have some experience in using CLF
> >files.
> Junfeng, your mail was replied to Nov 11, the same day you requested the
> info, I assume it may have ended up in a spam folder, it was resent now.
> The CLF format is based on an input text format that when validated is
> saved as a binary distribution format, the reason it is not only a text
> format is to ensure data integrity and traceability. The distribution
> format is signed by the CLF author (typically the person/company that
> performed the measurement or the manufacturer) which means that anyone
> viewing a CLF distribution-file via the free viewer, and has a question
> about the data, can contact the author. The format also includes a way of
> adding special documentation as an embedded PDF-file. To avoid that data is
> directly created as binary, bypassing all validity checks, the binary
> format it is not made public on the web-site but anyone with a valid use
> (like here) can request the specification as indicated on the web-site.
> There are no costs involved in becoming an author or to receive the binary
> specification.
> Best,
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Bengt-Inge Dalenback / CATT
> For the Common Loudspeaker Format (CLF) group.
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