Junfeng Li <junfeng.li.1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am now trying to develop a program to read and view the loudspeaker
> directivity. I came across to know the common loudspeaker format (CLF)
> which is detailed at http://www.clfgroup.org/index.htm. Though some CLF
> files are provided in binary format, we cannot read it directly. I am
> wondering anyone can help me read the CLF binary format?

They provide a free viewer for Windows.  The
CLF text-format specification appears to be
included in their Trial Authoring kit, visit:

They describe the format as "an open and
secure format", but don't appear to provide
source code to read it.  However, on their
home page, they state:
   "Software vendors - If you develop software
    that needs to read CLF binary files, e-mail
    the CLF group at inforequest  clfgroup.org"

Martin J Leese
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