It's not so much the microphone, but what you connect it to: because of the 
relatively low sensitivity, you really need a low-noise pre-amp. I use a Metric 
Halo ULN-8, which works extremely well with the TetraMic. The ST450 outputs at 
line level, so mic pre-amps are not an issue. And of course, Australian nature 
is a damned site louder that the English variety...



On 5 Nov 2013, at 07:57, David Worrall <> wrote:

> I've used the TetraMic almost exclusively for outdoor 'nature' recordings, 
> including much at dead-of-night.
> I've never had a real problem w. noise from the mic, (in reality, nature very 
> noisy) - my problems have almost all been with RF and I would love a balanced 
> solution.
> David

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