Hi All

I have a long time ago experimented with a sort of Trifield decoding
into three front speakers. I just built a contraption in AudioMulch.
There was a little bit adjusting of the cross-over frequencies
and the gains. I did that by the ear. The result wasn't totally bad.

I guess the other option to extract the center speaker information
from two channel stereo is a Dolby Surround decoder, which you
know much better than any of us, Eric. I have sometimes tried this,
but getting the L and R speakers "aligned" with the C was quite
tricky. I didn't run the L and the R through the Dolby Surround decoder,
just the C output. I think I had some delay line in the stereo pair.
(Possibly too long for the purpose and too coarse adjustment.)

The Dolby Surround decoder extracts from the stereo signal
only the components that are in phase and the same level in both
of the channels. That's exactly the information that should be reproduced
from a single speaker in the middle. Let's not go into the time constants
and the artefacts of Dolby Surround decoding.

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