> revery wrote:
>> I have a question on the decoding MS recordings, for instance just 2
>> channel, by using an ambisonic decoder to create the stereo.
>> Am I off the track here? Would an elaborate MS to ambisonic converter be
>> required, or maybe just a level change between M and S?
>> My purpose is to be able use say Harpex to to do the extra magic it does
>> with converting to different microphone configurations etc, and the
>> possibilities with double MS.

Hi, in my experience converting stereo to Ambisonics is a bit of a kludge - 
you will get some extra wrap-around / immersion with the super-stereo type 
but whether Harpex would be able to make anything useful out of that I don't 
- that's a question for the Harpex people!

M/S is already very flexible which is why it's used so much in film soundtrack 
It's quite simple to "wrap" MS recordings into 5.1, etc. But if you're looking 
at being able
to create "shotgun" virtual microphones via Harpex, I'm not sure that there is 
information in the signal. I'm not a mathematician but I imagine that the 
absence of a
real W signal would make this very difficult. You can always record an omni 
along with
your MS mic and get horizontal B-format!

best, Justin

Justin Bennett


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