That's right, ambisonic. I was thinking though, since in the case of
binaural spatialisation, an anechoic source can be spatialised (in an
angular sense) through convolution with various impulse responses taken
at various angles (and I guess interpolation is performed for angles
between those angles used to make the impulses), could a source be
spatialised in an ambisonic array by convolution (and later ambisonic
decoding) with a series of impulse responses taken at various angles?
Further, if these angular measurements were taken at various depths
(distances between impulse source and mic), is it possible to impart the
perception of various depths of the rendered sound-source?

Hope this makes sense.

Em Sex, 2013-05-03 às 13:02 +0200, Augustine Leudar escreveu:
> Youre only interested in ambisonics right ? Because generally the
> further away something is the less high frequencies it has due to air
> absorbtion of sound frequencies with shorter wavelengths. Also the
> reverberation to soundsource ratio will be higher than for more
> distant objects. These are psycoacoustic effects though so excuse me
> if my answer is not relevant.
> On 3 May 2013 12:00, Iain Mott <> wrote:
>         Hi list, I wonder if someone could clear up some doubts I
>         have:
>         Does an ambisonic impulse response recorded in a space, with
>         microphone
>         and impulse source at specific locations, reproduce any
>         distance cues
>         when convolved with an anechoic mono source and decoded
>         ambisonically
>         over a speaker array, or just angular cues?
>         I know that HRTF filters are recorded anecoically, so distance
>         of the
>         impulse wouldn't matter, as i understand it. But what if
>         impulses were
>         recorded at various angles and a particular distance in a live
>         room? How
>         would one set of angular responses at a given distance compare
>         with
>         another set made with the same angles but at a different
>         distance?
>         Thanks,
>         Iain
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