
There is the Allen & Heath ICE-16 sound card. 16 channels player and recorder, 
in standalone.

I don't test it, so...



Le 9 févr. 2013 à 22:24, Augustine Leudar a écrit :

> I've got a couple of installations that require a standalone device that
> will play 8 or more channels (octophonic mixes so all tracks need to be
> played simultaneously) can anyone think of an affordable standalone player
> ? The museum staff will not know anything about audio technology so
> preferably it will work just by pressing "on". I found one but it was
> ridiculously priced (nearly 4000 euros !!). Ive just found this :
> http://www.waveplayer.de/
> which seems quite affordable - has anyone used them ?
> cheers,,
> Gus
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