if using a B-Format workflow - I use Reaper form this - how does one apply 
these IR files ?  Is there a B-Format host plugin?
I have a reverb bus, but currently only have the WigWare plugin, for which I am 
grateful, but rarely use due to the inappropriate roominess of the reverb for 
the location/Field recordings I am usually working with, so a plugin that 
allowed 4 channel I/O for B-Format and accepted the suggested IR files would be 



On Dec 19, 2012, at 1:11 PM, Joseph Digerness wrote:

> Here are three options that i know of:
> 1. If you have Apple's Impulse Response Utility 
> (http://documentation.apple.com/en/impulseresponseutility/usermanual/) which 
> is bundled with LogicPro, you can access the underlying .aif files that make 
> up the .SDIRproj files by right-clicking the file and choosing "Show Package 
> Contents" (or you can view the files directly on a PC...). The bformat IRs 
> included with the software have either "OBF" or "CBF" in their filenames.
> 2. The set that Eric mentioned:  "Collection of room impulse responses 
> measured in the Great Hall, the Octagon, and a classroom at the Mile End 
> campus of Queen Mary, University of London in 2008. The measurements were 
> created using the sine sweep technique with a Genelec 8250A loudspeaker and 
> two microphones, an omnidirectional DPA 4006 and a B-format Soundfield 
> SPS422B":  http://isophonics.net/content/room-impulse-response-data-set
> 3. Download site for a set of concert hall impulse responses measured in the 
> Promenadikeskus concert hall in Pori, Finland. The responses are provided 
> free for noncommercial purposes:  
> http://www.acoustics.hut.fi/projects/poririrs/
> Additionally, it looks like IRs might be available at some point associated 
> with this project:  
> http://www.notam02.no/web/2011/01/impulse-responses/?lang=en
> Cheers,
> Joseph Digerness
> Consultant  |  Acoustics and Audiovisual
> Arup
> 77 Water Street  New York  NY 10005 USA
> t +1 212 896 3000  d +1 212 897 1574  
> www.arup.com
> _________
> Eric Carmichel (eric at elcaudio.com) / Wed Dec 19 12:28:56 EST 2012:
> Hello Toni,
> You're correct about Waves--no x, y, z files--just surround on their 
> Acoustics.net website and IR bundles (I have the Waves Mercury bundle).
> www.openairorg.net is the only remaining Ambisonic IR library that I can 
> find. There has been updated info to the site since I first "discovered" it 
> months ago.
> Although a second website now seems to have vanished, there was a site that 
> hosted the Ambisonic IRs for a classroom, Great Hall, and Octagon. They even 
> included detailed floor plans for the three spaces, showing the various mic 
> locations (00x00y to whatever in 1 meter increments). I had downloaded the 
> zip files while they existed; however, I hesitate to upload these to my own 
> site because the files may have been copyrighted (e.g., leaked Waves raw 
> files). If anybody else can shed light on the site, I don't mind hosting the 
> zip files. I believe each space had about 300 MB of wav files and info 
> available in zipped form. As with OpenAir, the IRs were 24 bit res, 96 kHz 
> sample rate.
> I've been recording my own IRs, but so far it's hard to get noise out of 
> recordings. I believe any anomolies or noise in the IRs and/or the dry 
> recordings manifest themselves in audible and deleterious ways after 
> processing. Fons A. had pointed out that dc offsets, to include unnatural 
> waveforms resulting from the joining/splicing of files could create unwanted 
> artifacts, too. I always use zero-crossing fades when editing material for my 
> work, but it might also be an advantage to remove very low frequency 
> (infrasonic) content.
> Kind regards,
> Eric C.
> ________________________________
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Toni Mateos [mailto:toni.mat...@gmail.com] 
> Sent: December 19, 2012 04:15
> To: sursound@music.vt.edu
> Subject: [Sursound] any library of B-format reverbs ?
> Hi all,
> Apologies if this has already been asked in this list, but:
> ** does anybody know of one (or more) library of reverbs in B-format? I'm 
> interested in all possibilities: either as separate downloadable IRs, or as 
> convolution plug-ins, etc.
> I'm not interested in the decoding of the B-format return to whatever 
> loudspeaker system; only in being able to play myself with the B-format 
> return.
> Thanks a lot!
> Toni
> PS: I guess that Waves actually has one such library, but they only provide 
> the decoded 5.1 returns, thus not exposing the B-format intermediate feeds.
> So this doesn't count.
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