Hello Toni,
You're correct about Waves--no x, y, z files--just surround on their 
Acoustics.net website and IR bundles (I have the Waves Mercury bundle).
www.openairorg.net is the only remaining Ambisonic IR library that I can find. 
There has been updated info to the site since I first "discovered" it months 
Although a second website now seems to have vanished, there was a site that 
hosted the Ambisonic IRs for a classroom, Great Hall, and Octagon. They even 
included detailed floor plans for the three spaces, showing the various mic 
locations (00x00y to whatever in 1 meter increments). I had downloaded the zip 
files while they existed; however, I hesitate to upload these to my own site 
because the files may have been copyrighted (e.g., leaked Waves raw files). If 
anybody else can shed light on the site, I don't mind hosting the zip files. I 
believe each space had about 300 MB of wav files and info available in zipped 
form. As with OpenAir, the IRs were 24 bit res, 96 kHz sample rate.
I've been recording my own IRs, but so far it's hard to get noise out of 
recordings. I believe any anomolies or noise in the IRs and/or the dry 
recordings manifest themselves in audible and deleterious ways after 
processing. Fons A. had pointed out that dc offsets, to include unnatural 
waveforms resulting from the joining/splicing of files could create unwanted 
artifacts, too. I always use zero-crossing fades when editing material for my 
work, but it might also be an advantage to remove very low frequency 
(infrasonic) content.
Kind regards,
Eric C.


Hi all,

Apologies if this has already been asked in this list, but:

** does anybody know of one (or more) library of reverbs in B-format? I'm
interested in all possibilities: either as separate downloadable IRs, or as
convolution plug-ins, etc.

I'm not interested in the decoding of the B-format return to whatever
loudspeaker system; only in being able to play myself with the B-format

Thanks a lot!

PS: I guess that Waves actually has one such library, but they only provide
the decoded 5.1 returns, thus not exposing the B-format intermediate feeds.
So this doesn't count.
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