Hmmm, it worries me when I read things such as "I too was thinking that I couldn't see much use for a spherical speaker"

It sort-of reminds me of colleagues of mine who say "I couldn't see much use for surround sound"

I would find a properly working spherical speaker quite useful for 3D sound. Especially involving height. And depth. It often worries me that so many paradigms seem to stop at having "surround music" as something that starts at ear level and goes up. I'm hanging out for music/sounds/soundscapes that are 360 degrees. And work in installations where people climb stairs, turn, etc.

Now please resume your usual program ......

On 22/10/2012 11:34 AM, etienne deleflie wrote:
Such a thing was offered for sale for consumers by DBX(as I recall)
a long time ago. I do not think it had much success--not
surprisingly since there is no real reason to want such a thing.
I too was thinking that I couldn't see much use for a spherical
speaker... other than in perhaps purely technical endeavours.

But, as it happens, I've just been reading a book chapter (1965) by
Henry Brant called "space as an essential aspect of music
composition". For those who don't know ... Brant used spatial
separation of performers in orchestral works. (similar line to Charles
Ives ... John Cage used similar techniques too ... as did many

On page 236 Brant considers the use of loud speakers for locations
where performers cant be placed ... but he criticises the
characteristics of loudspeakers as being so directional that they
project very poorly within the performance space. So there's at least
one use for spherical speakers!

Of course this perspective on spatial music, in which existing spaces
are used to affect sounds, is very different to the concerns of
spatial music on this list ... which is more concerned with either the
creation of virtual realities through spatial audio, or the
re-projection of recorded sounds with spatial fidelity.

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