On 3 October 2012 20:39, Andrew Horsburgh <andrew.horsbu...@uws.ac.uk> wrote:

> Michael's right, AFAIK, that there hasn't been much modern use of beyond 5 
> speaker arrangements. I can't think of examples where an odd number of 
> speakers has been used with ambisonic that wasn't to the ITU 775 standard 
> shape. Perhaps someone on here can correct me?

In the early days, Audio Design Reading had a decoder which went to a
regular array of 5 speakers (i.e. not ITU) which, iirc worked really
quite well. I'm not at all sure if they actually sold any and the
design was,as far as I'm aware, sold on to Cepiar when ADR pulled out
of Ambisonics. I don't remember seeing the decoder equations, so I
can't comment on what they actually did to get round the fact that the
early designs were based on MIchael Gerzon's Diametrically Opposed
Speaker theorem and required even numbers of speakers.  If Geoffrey
Barton is sill monitoring this list, I'm sure he'll know.

    Dave (the OAP)

As of 1st October 2012, I have retired from the University, so this
disclaimer is redundant....

These are my own views and may or may not be shared by my employer

Dave Malham
Ex-Music Research Centre
Department of Music
The University of York
York YO10 5DD

'Ambisonics - Component Imaging for Audio'
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