Hi Sursounders,
This is my first time posting here so I'll do a quick introduction. I'm in the 
first year of my PhD study at SARC, Queen's University Belfast doing some work 
on mulitchannel reproduction and perception. I'm sure I met several of you at 
the AES/Ambisonics conference in York this past March so, if I did, hello again!
I'm basically writing to ask if one of Michael Gerzon's papers "Nonlinear 
Models for Auditory Perception" has made it into circulation. I'm guess it 
hasn't, which is a shame, but I thought I should ask here before I gave up. I 
see it has been reference by Dubnov, Tishby and Cohen (1995) in "Hearing Beyond 
the Spectrum" but that's about the only one I can find. I imagine it's a 
fascinating paper and a shame that it may never see the light of day.
Best regards,
Peter Stitt                                       
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