Hi Marc,
True, I'm sure you could use a usb interface, but even a low cost multichannel unit would be quite a lot more expensive (and, probably, power hungry) than the PI whereas Analog Devices (for instance) do a 16 channel, 24 bit, 192kHz DASC IC for around 10 ukp (ADAU1966) which would probably need around another 20 quid's worth of op-amps and other bits to get going properly. Much more in the maker tradition - and a possible product.


PS total number of pre-orders for PI's have reach 350,000!
PPS I'm not connected with them at all, I've not even ordered one!

On 24/04/2012 18:33, Marc Lavallée wrote:
The snd_bcm2835 driver is for the integrated stereo sound module.
For more channels, a cheap 8 channels USB sound module would probably
work, and ALSA drivers for many sound modules are stable.

Martin Leese<martin.le...@stanfordalumni.org>  a écrit :

Dave Malham<dave.mal...@york.ac.uk>  wrote:

The Raspberry PI is really cheap and runs Linux, so it does provide
some real possibilities, though
it is, in some ways, quite limited - max 256m ram at present, for
instance -
it seems that the SPI pins are available on a standard header so
shouldn't be too difficult
physically to add DAC's or ADC's (since most use that interface),
though how easy it would be to
write the drivers, I don't know.
The Arch Linux ARM image (operating system)
contains an ALSA driver.  However, it states:

"The alpha-quality ALSA driver included in this
  release is disabled by default. Type
      modprobe snd_bcm2835
  to enable it."

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