The Raspberry PI is really cheap and runs Linux, so it does provide some real possibilities, though it is, in some ways, quite limited - max 256m ram at present, for instance - and documentation is currently not really in a "this is how you do it" state ( but, once again, it is _very_ cheap and also frugal as far as power goes. Looking at the schematic ( it seems that the SPI pins are available on a standard header so shouldn't be too difficult physically to add DAC's or ADC's (since most use that interface), though how easy it would be to write the drivers, I don't know.


On 24/04/2012 14:42, Daniel Courville wrote:
Le 12-04-20 14:54, Jan Jacob Hofmann a écrit :

I was pointed to a device, which is able to play audio-files of up to
16 channels without the need of a computer as a stand-alone device. It
is basically a SD-card player and I wonder, if this might be
interesting for some on this list.
Here's something in the same vein that could be of some use:


- Daniel

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