seva <> wrote:
> but for me, i'd really like some tools to use in film mixing (even
> with the distributed Ls and Rs speakers). anyone on the list care to
> tell me what tools might be best, or "why it just won't work"? the
> idea is to simply improve location and immersive aspects of film
> sound, whether played in a theatre or in home theatre.

Cinemas are hostile environments for
Ambisonics.  Theatre managers want to cram
in as many paying punters as possible so,
inevitably, some of them end up close to a
surround speaker.  Low order Ambisonics has
trouble with this.

While we happily denigrate 5.1, it is always
worth remembering that it was designed to
work in these hostile environments.  Chris
Travis expressed this succinctly in a post in
October 2008:

|| Surround sound in cinemas is less ambitious
|| than many people assume.  This is a matter
|| of practicality, given the number/spread of
|| the seats.

Martin J Leese
E-mail: martin.leese
Sursound mailing list

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