I wish you all the luck in the world with your project, i must start work on 
the '74 Ambisonic album soon

  I'm hoping that some  sort of start on this will come out of next month's  
AES25/Ambisonics & 
  Spherical Acoustics 2012 meeting here in York as I know that at least some of 
the BBC guys will be 
  coming. For me, this is particularly important in terms of the tape archive I 
have built up in the 
  last few years. This now includes tapes from both the John Hayes collection 
and Peter Fellgett, 
  including many, if not all, of the early experiments with Ambisonics. I 
agreed to take them because 
  the alternative was probably them ending up in the skip but I now face the 
problem that I retire at 
  the end of September and between now and then I need to find a way of 
ensuring that they survive 
  and, moreover,  get properly conserved. The Fellgett tapes, in particular, 
are in a poor state as 
  they were stored in a damp cottage for many months prior to my acquiring them 
and are, at least in 
  some cases, mouldy. I had some discussions with BBC guys at the inaugural 
meeting of the BBC Audio 
  Research Partnership at Media City in Salford last July, but nothing since 
then. They were, at the 
  time, interested in the possibility of helping with the digitisation of some 
of the copies of BBC 
  related materials, the originals of which seems to have been lost from their 
archives over the 
  intervening 30 years. Trying to raise the funds to ensure the proper 
archiving and cataloguing of 
  this material is one of my "swansong" tasks for the next 6 months.


    These are my own views and may or may not be shared by my employer
  /* Dave Malham   http://music.york.ac.uk/staff/research/dave-malham/ */
  /* Music Research Centre      */
  /* Department of Music    "http://music.york.ac.uk/";        */
  /* The University of York  Phone 01904 322448                        */
  /* Heslington              Fax   01904 322450                        */
  /* York YO10 5DD                                                     */
  /* UK                   'Ambisonics - Component Imaging for Audio'   */
  /*                    "http://www.york.ac.uk/inst/mustech/3d_audio/"; */

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