Richard wrote:

I know the BBC did broadcast some of the Proms in either H or HJ,
it's a real shame there's nobody I could contact at the BBC who might
have more info. It's another thing that needs archiving, or it'll be
lost forever

It's a pity taht the Ambisonic Discography is down. You could check
it from there right away. I have just changed the computer and my
backup is in the old PC hard drive.

There is a commercial recording of one of the concerts. It's either this:

Highlights from the last night of the Proms
(includes recordings from 1977, 1982 and 1985. Or - maybe the release
was published in 1985. Ooh...

or this:

The last night of the Proms
Philips 420 085-2
Recorded 1969 and 1972

Only one of those CD:s includes Ambisonic material, the other is plain
two channel stereo. If it's the BBC publication (which was first published
as an LP, naturally), then you should be looking at years 82 and 85.

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