thus far:

- I tried ac3 and it seems ok to me - VLC can playback with no problems
- I haven' t yet managed to encode to AAC - I get an error that libfaac is 
missing when using ffmpeg and audacity refuses to find the proper library - 
still looking for some other encoder
- I easily encoded to flac with sox but the size is huge and thus totally 
inadequate for my purposes
- ogg vorbis encode fine with sox but VLC crashes..

so 2 questions:

1. what are the right settings for a HQ quad ac3 ?? I used 44.100 and 192k 
which sounds ok - but then I don' t have very good speakers to be sure - let 
aside the file is pretty small which means I can afford higher nitrates
2. What' s the verdict of an aac vs ac3 comparison ???  

On 29 Nov 2011, at 00:12, Marinos Koutsomichalis wrote:

> oh yeah I did encode them and they did seem file - but I could not play back 
> them..
> it was pretty easy to encode actually..
> I google it a bit and there are a couple of bug reports about ogg+video 
> problems - so there seems to be some problem
> m
> On 28 Nov 2011, at 23:01, Eero Aro wrote:
>> Marinos Koutsomichalis wrote:
>>> I tried encoding to 4 channel ogg via both sox and audacity and VLC crashes 
>>> when I try to playback for some reason,
>> Hmm.
>> I have used the encoder in the past and it worked ok
>> and the files played fine. Sorry, but can't remember
>> if I had any troubles in using the encoder. It could have
>> been possible that I had to to rename the two
>> stereo files in the same way as the Zoom H2 names
>> them.
>> Did the software encode your files anyway? Did you
>> get to that point?
>> Eero
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> Marinos Koutsomichalis
> Music Research Center, University of York
> Contemporary Music Research Centre (CMRC)
> skype: marinosk_81
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Marinos Koutsomichalis
Music Research Center, University of York
Contemporary Music Research Centre (CMRC)
skype: marinosk_81

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