On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 12:20:20AM +0200, Marinos Koutsomichalis wrote:

> if I make a 4 channel ac3 file - wouldn' t that be ok for people having 5.1 
> setups ??
> the order of the 5.1 is FL/FR/SL/SR/C/LF (or I am mistaken in this?) so if 
> somenody tries to playback a 4-channel file it will be routed to all but the 
> sub and the centre, right ???

I'm by no means an expert on this, so check.

* The order of the 5.1 channels depends on where you are
and on the phase of the moon. You should find out what the
particular SW you'd use to make the encoded file expects.

* You may have to include two empty channels (or tell your
software they are missing if it allows that).



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