"Michael Chapman" <s...@mchapman.com>

> At 05:52 25/11/2011, Marinos Koutsomichalis wrote:
>> Hello list,
>> I was asked a 4-channel work for an online-release - I' m now trying to
>> figure out what the best way to "release" it would be..
>> are there any other ideas/observations/advices ??

> It would help to know what the four channels are:
> - B-format ?
> - 'speaker feeds' for a square ?
> - ?

This would seem to be a key question.  How
was your four-channel work produced?  What
are the four channels?

Martin J Leese
E-mail: martin.leese  stanfordalumni.org
Web: http://members.tripod.com/martin_leese/
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